Amp is plugged to the wall, why use a conditioner?

I keep hearing how important it is to have a line conditioner if you have higher end equipment. I also hear that I should plug my amp into the wall for best performance. If I get a line conditioner for my CD, DVD, and Control Amp to purify the signal, will it be defeated by the messy signal coming from my amp being plugged into the wall? Here are a few other questions: If I do use a line conditioner, should I get a few to plug into different wall sockets? Which conditioners do not limit my amp? Gray 400? Shunyata 2? Monster 2000 or 7000? When I do not have any music on, I can hear a low hiss or humm from my speakers. Will the conditioner help clean this up?

Thank you very much,
Gdush, you might read this...

...and other reviews of the Audience aR2p and its ...TO variant.

I've ordered a '2pTO for my 650-Watt McCormack DNA-750s. We'll see how the system sounds with and without it.
my amp does not sound nearly as good plugged into the Running Springs Jaco as it does plugged directly into the wall.
here is my recent experience, fwiw: originally I plugged both my mono Jungson JA-50 80 watt class A amps into my Shunyata Hydra, along with just about everything else. In my wall I have two sets of outlets, both high end receptacles, one running off a 15 amp breaker along with other outlets, switches etc on that end of the house. The other outlet is a 20 watt high end outlet wired to a separate dedicated 20 amp breaker with 10 ga romex. I believe the standard house romex is 12 ga. Recently I unplugged the amps from the Shunyata and plugged them directly into the dedicated 20 amp circuit. Couple observations: the amps sound much more powerful and I don't have to push the volume knobs up nearly as far on the pre-amp as I used to. The bass is better and the system sounds fuller, less constrained, and less 'pushed'. I've considered buying more powerful amps for my Khorus X mk II's but no longer feel that is in any way necessary.
Markmendenhall, I had a similar revelation last year after directly plugging everything into the wall outlets. It restored tone, current ... just sounds more natural but downside is hearing noise.

I discovered Weizhi PRS-6 passive from a local audiophile. It eliminated the noise and doesn't alter the tone or limit current ... just sounds fabulous. I have 2 PRS-6, one for mono amps and other for rest of components. Also have 2 dedicated 20 amp circuits with Maestro outlets.

Glad to hear you've solved both the current and noise issues. I must consider myself lucky, for whatever reason I don't have noise issues plugging the amps directly into the wall outlet. Everything else runs through the Shunyata conditioner, I believe the amps require the most current to operate at peak efficiency, compared to the pre, CD player, TT, etc.