Muse Audio contact?

I have a set of Muse One Hundred Seventy Five monos driving my front channels. My left unit gets so hot it melted the rubber feet. I would assume this one is biased high. Does Muse still exist? I remember Kevin the designer interacted with me back when I bought them. There seems to be a web page but no one answers email. I am wondering if the problem is high biasing and if there is a DIY solution.
I have had better luck by e-mailing them. I recently had two components upgraded by them (last year) and even had a special "paint job" on one of them so yes, they were great to work with - just not always 24/7 with the communication. They will get back with you but it might take a couple of days. Any longer than that and they might be on vacation or something. Send an e-mail and then leave a voice mail. Try calling at several different times of the day. Let us know if that still doesn't work.
I'd suggest trying to email Kevin @ HRT.
Thanks guys. Phones seem not to be Muse any more, faxes and emails unanswered in a few weeks. I will try HRT. Kevin was very responsive and helpful back in the day. Does anyone know of current Muse dealers?