Could use your advice re: tube gear

I posted a long discussion of my MC240 and 8B which came out of storage a couple weeks ago. After listening to them with several speakers in our little local shop, and in comparison to an Anthem 700 MRX SS integrated ($2K) driving the speakers I'm thinking about, I'm missing the highs I thought I was getting. Quite a bit. And on big speakers the bass is loose and very undefined. Both tube amps (with my CJ PV-5) had vastly better midrange though.

What would be a move to keep the mids of my gear but get the defined bass and airy open highs?

Get a SS amp (like the DNA-1)? But would the CJ kill the tight lows and open highs? Could I mod the CJ?

Can I find a (~$1K used) tube amp that has the lush mids but tight lows and open detailed highs? The Quicksilver GLA maybe?

Trying to solve it with speakers, I could probably find a speaker with much tighter bottom (B&W CM-1 maybe) but that would not solve the highs. I have some Superzeros with spiky highs that help but don't replace the missing air and space.

Your thought would be greatly appreciated.

Wolf, thanks very much. What a nice amp. I didn't know one could get so much new for that kind of money. Thank you.
You could be needing to tube roll a little to get the sound you need...maybe list the current tubes in the amp(s), and then you may get some advice.
If your amps were in storage, its likely they are not working up to snuff. The Marantz was a nice amp but unless its been rebuilt/serviced recently I would not expect it to sound right- in fact I would be nervous about plugging it into the wall!

A new set of filter capacitors for the power supply and you may think very differently about this amp!
Yeah, what Atmashpere said.

Also, maybe a good subwoofer would help. I run a pair of Vandersteen 2Wqs with my almost full range speakers. It relieves the amp of having to drive deep bass into the mains, and these have an adjustable "Q" so you can tighten up the bass as desired. I bought them for about $775 each here on A-gon.
I second the sub thing...been using a old REL Q150e and it really makes everything around it sing.