How long daes it take your gear to warm up?

Assuming that one turns off/on the audio equipment every day. How long does it take for your gear to perform as it best after a cold start? I ask because my Rotels RA-1090 need about 2 hr to really shine, otherwise the highs are ear piercing and the bass notes lack some punch. Any of you have to go through a similar time of warm up period?
There is a big difference between tubes and solid state. I own some solid state equipment that takes 3 days to sound its best. However, my tube equipment is stablized after a couple of hours.
About 45 minutes. And that is for a tube pre and a big Krell 300cx SS amp. The Krell uses too much power even on standby to leave on all day, plus the heat from Class A . . .

Approx 3 Seconds for solid state. My parent's tube table radio used to take about a minute to even start playing. But that was 60 years ago!
Mapman, Your SP-16 is not warmed up in a matter of seconds. It has merey stabilized enough to be used.