Krell or Bryston 4SST2

i have oppo BDP-95 and HSU-15VTF....and looking for some nice sounding amp.....whick amp is not dull or muddy b/w those i mentioned above....appreciate thx.
Not dull or muddy. Most of6 the high end stuff is niether, Bryston won;t be a problem. Certainly ARC "High Definition". You appear to have enough to buy Spectral, Sanders System amps, BAT, Pass,LLam the newer Krell. The world is your oyster so go out and listen to the current crop.
Let's start with some more information:
1. Main speakers?
2. Pre-amp?
3. Music/HT usage?
4. Music preference?
5. Budgets?
6. Interconnects used?
Actully i have my old system Technics SU-G95...purchase in 1996...and still in mint condition....but now the time is up to upgrade, so looking for the options...looking for a nice amp around $5000...will buy at Audiogon probably, any used one in good lets see i am researching...and will be Krell or Bryston to be closed on. but open for other options. suggestions will be welcomed. thanks for the response...starts liking AudiogoN. bye
You might want to consider a Mark Levinson 532H. There is one currently offered on Audiogon for 27 days. I have no relation with the seller. However, I own the amp and have owned previous Krell amps and the Levinson is excellent. Offer the seller $5000 and see what happens. If you want to hear my amps and you are near Boston, feel free to contact me to have a listen. Good luck. (300 watts per channel into 8 ohms and 450 into 4 ohms.)