The Tung Sols are competent tubes that do their job in a somewhat understated manner in my experience, they have very good tonal balance. I would be hard pressed to say they are better than the Shuguangs. The Shuguangs have much better treble extension and are indeed cleaner than the Tung Sols now than you have got me comparing the tubes.
I was thinking that his choice for 12AX7 was a good one that really shouldn't have any negative impact on the overall sonics he is looking for.
Joe what would you say provide the most bass in that family of tubes? I remember when we were trying to buy 5751s and you telling me that the Grey Plates, while not your ultimate choice, had "thunderous bass". I found your description to be spot on, and never forgot it.
I was thinking that his choice for 12AX7 was a good one that really shouldn't have any negative impact on the overall sonics he is looking for.
Joe what would you say provide the most bass in that family of tubes? I remember when we were trying to buy 5751s and you telling me that the Grey Plates, while not your ultimate choice, had "thunderous bass". I found your description to be spot on, and never forgot it.