Aesthetix Io strange behaviour

This morning, my Io won't play music. The only thing I hear is scratching/popping noise when I turn the volume controls. Same thing in both channels. Tried changing cables, etc, but no change. Anyone has an idea? The unit has played beautifully especially since I got a full tube replacement from Aesthetix some years ago. I've heard nothing to indicate a coming breakdown. The lights on the unit come on OK, and as far as I can see, the tubes light up normally too. Strange.
Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
It could be as simple as two bad tubes in a row. Not so often, but it happens. Since this thread may be informative for other Io owners, I will keep you updated.
I got it back today, working fine. Morten said he could find no other fault, except for blown internal fuses. The were "fast", and he said, even if the amperage is larger, such fuses often blow before "slow" fuses. As far as can be seen, the new regulator and the EL34 tube work fine, and there is no problem with the Synergistic active shielding cable.
So, the mystery has been cleared up, it was one bad tube (only), the second time it was wrong fuses (my fault).
Let me add that Glenn, at Aesthetix, has been of help through email.
In conclusion, this thread should not be seen as negative for Io or Aesthetix, but a user discussion of problems that can occur in all tube preamps, and how to solve them in this specific case.
Hi O holter
Yes, Glenn said they repaired and are on burnt in mode, should be getting my IO next week.
Yes my dealer said must use the same part otherwise it will degrade the sound, is all about right measurement of resistant and so forth.
Yes, is so painful but i am still enjoying my Sony xa-9000es cd/sacd .

Call Glenn , you could replace bigger said a 5 amps or direct the internal fuse with hard wire solder. My Callisto sgn. Also have internal fuse but my 2011 io do not have internal fuse. Yes my Callisto fuse blown too,
But since replacement is fine.
I am following this up, and will inform later. I am considering a Io upgrade in a larger context, named "chasing out distortion from my system". Happily my Io is back on line.