amp for b&w 804 "s" with htm4 "s" 200 watts....

those are my speakers... there has been a lot of talk about the amps making the speakers sound better or be honest i still do not understand how that is. So, i guess i would probably go with... mcintosh, krell, classe, bryson, or anthem... only because everyone agrees on those amps.... would i really be able to tell the difference? i don't know. so this will be used for mostly HOME THEATER... that being said... i am looking for three channels all solid state. i will run my rear channel off of another amp. So my questions are

1 so.... one three channel amp? or three mono amps? or one two channel and one mono?
2 best bang for the buck on what manufacturer?
3 i would love to find used to save some cash..

thank you for your time on this,
I second the B&K amps and did own a 2-channel(EX4420) and a 3-channel (REF4430) and would say they are rock solid amps. The 5-channel(200.5 or 7250) may be a better choice because of the much larger power supply. Good bass, very sweet midrange, somewhat rolled off highs(tame the B&W's some) are my take on the B&K's overall signature.

A friend has B&W 804s driven by a pair of Classe' CT-M 600's, one of the best low buck system I've heard.
Class a vs. class ab vs. class d.....i have heard so so so many different stories... thinking class d for home theater???? ideas???
Classe will be in the $2K range for the amount of power you need...they are also mostly a/b amperage...As you read about the different classes of amps the chatter is mostly for the music side and does not really benefit those who wish to run home theater setups due to the processing of the movie etc.... Finding yourself a good class a/b amp that has a minimum of 200wpc in the $700 to $1200 range will definitly benefit your system and provide you some happiness if you decided to listen to a little bit of music along the way...All the amps that have been suggested are definitly of good quality and sufficient for your needs...