Looking for best $1000 tube power amp

Hi everyone,

I'm completely new to the speaker world and speaker amps as well. That said, I'm looking for a tube power amp.

New or Used

Other components: MHDT Havana (NOS Tube DAC), Decware CSP2 Tube Pre-Amp (I can nix this and add $1000 to the budget for both a Pre AND power or integrated; not preferred though since I like its HP amp.)

Price range: $1000 for only power amp($2000 *ONLY* if there's a massive, NOT merely incremental upgrade in that range)

If nixing the CSP2 pre-amp, $2000 for Pre AND power, $3k if there's a massive upgrade.

Favored sound: Musicality, euphony, emotional involvement. Lushness, smoothness, whatever you'd think of when you hear the word tubes. I could honestly give a rat's ass about accuracy.

Setup: Small rooms, 1200cu ft. Plan to play at moderately high volumes (-15dB to -10dB from reference)

Speakers: Do not have yet; most in consideration are bookshelf 8ohm and at the least sensitive, 85.5db. That said, I'd prefer a amp with wide compatibility unless if it comes at a cost of worse SQ or inability to play at decent volume.

Thanks guys!
I'm not familiar with your other components. But look at used Conrad Johnson & VTL power amps w/in your budget. Even a used VTL ST85 could give you the Lushness you want, if you don't need a lot of power. Modern C-J's can be more "accurate". Add Cary to the list if there's anything available in your budget.

For tube-friendly speakers, consider Merlins.....
Since you have a Decware Pre and prefer musicality and emotional involvement, I would recommend a Decware Mini Torii or one of their other amps and a pair of high efficiency speakers. I wish I had gone that route from the beginning. Its much harder and much more expensive to get a more musical pairing than you can get with a low powered tube amp or a SET amp and HE Speakers.
06-23-12: Phaelon
The best $1000 tube power amp will be the one your speakers love.

Well said!!!
Hygienist, I just realized that you’re a new member so my above answer might seem glib. I urge you to search the archives; you will find a plethora of threads discussing amplifier selection. Speakers and amplifiers are ideally bought together. They’re like husband and wife. There are so many variables involved that you really have to hear them together to know how they’ll function as a pair. If that can’t be done, buy the speakers first with the type of amplifier you prefer in mind. Again, please avail yourself of the archives. Welcome to Audiogon.