integrated shootout - Audio Refi, SimAudio or Edge

Hi everyone. I've been thinking of simplifying my system by consolidating my Audio Refinement Pre5 preamp with remote and Multi5 5 channel amp (only use 2 channels) to an integrated amp. I've read many great things about the Audio Refinement Complete Alpha integrated with the preamp outs but they are impossible to find now. With that said, there looks to be some nice choices for sale on this site. I really like the Audio Refinement sound (I like it better than Linn, and it beat out a Rogue Cronus Magnum also I had side-by-side in my system).

What would you guys do out of the following choices (rest of system is posted):

1. Keep my Audio Refinement separates?
2. Get a new Simaudio Moon i.5 (220i) integrated for $999 under warranty (10 years), sell / trade in Audio Refinement separates?
3. Get a used / demo Edge i3 integrated for $750, sell Audio Refinement separates, maybe also sell my Pro-ject phono tube box II preamp if the Edge i3 phono stage is better?
4. Keep looking for an Audio Refinement Complete Alpha with preamp outs?

Save yer money and time. If your system sounds good to you now, sit back and enjoy it, man. Stop eyeing that audiophool carousel you see spinning before you.

As Nancy Reagan famously said "Just say no..."

All of your suggestions will be a significant downgrade in sound quality. For fun, try using another 2 channels of your multi 5 to biamp your speakers. Then you won't feel like you are wasting anything, and you will likely get a nice little improvement in sound quality.

If you are set on an integrated, be prepared to spend at least double what you were considering to match what you've got.
I heard the same about a Complete version with pre-amp outs. I don't believe there ever was one.
Why do you need pre-amp outs?