Jadis JA-30 vs JA-50 need opinions

Hello. I haven't got the chance to audition these amplifiers. Is there a big difference, the JA50 is supposed to give 10 more watts, but is it worth the extra money? Please help me out. Thanks!
I'm going from years back, as I haven't kept up with current production, but I believe the JA 50 uses KT90 tubes, where you could use EL34s, 6550s and KT 88s with the JA 30s. IMHO the Jadis amps using KT90 tubes sound perhaps cleaner than the other types, but ultimately uninvolving in comparison. With the right speaker, the JA 30s I have heard could be magical, particularly with vintage EL34 tubes, but they probably will not give have as much control on the bass as the KT 90s do. KT 88s in a JA 30 might be a good compromise between bass control and midrange magic.
Thanks! Right now I am interested in either the Ja30's or a Defy 100. I woud prefer the mono's for the looks but 100 class ab watts might be much better in the end. And it should be a cheaper amplifier. I heard the integrated Da88 the other day, 2x60 class a. I wouldn't mind a sound like that!
While the JA-30s certainly won't have the power of the Defy, in my view they are the more refined amplifier by far. The sound of the JA 30s would be more akin to the DA88 thsn the Defy, IMHO.
I share RCprince's opinion word for word. The Defy has nice punch. So if you listen mainly to Rock or similar, that could be the way to go. The Ja 30s are prefect for voices, small combos, chamber music etc. They are wonderful amps. Small often is better.......
I will listen to a pair of JA30's this weekend. Besides deciding if I like the sound or not with my kind of music, can you give me advice on what else to take notice of or be extra observant to? I guess there are many things that can go wrong with a tube amp over time and I've read people having some trouble with Jadis amps in general. The caps and tubes are quite recently replaced I am told. Thanks!