Jadis JA-30 vs JA-50 need opinions

Hello. I haven't got the chance to audition these amplifiers. Is there a big difference, the JA50 is supposed to give 10 more watts, but is it worth the extra money? Please help me out. Thanks!
Again, no need to add a single word to the above.
I still miss the Jadis' glorious midrange. I was forced to sell my Jadis gear when my fortunes changed for the worse and when they picked up again, I opted for Wavac, Zanden and Atma-Sphere because there was no Jadis distributor near. Haven't regretted my choices, but still......
I just want to report that I listened to the Jadis JA30 amplifiers using the same preamp and speakers I have got at home. The room was of course different, the cd player and cables. I listened many hours with mostly my own records. And to say least, it sounded wonderful! Maybe not the crystal clear and stable bass as from amps from lets say Audio Research or a solid state amp. But the 3D space was fenomenal and the music was exceptionally emotionally involving! I was deeply touched I have to say. Now lets's hope DHL won't treat them badly as I couldn't bring them with me personally.
Thank you! I still havent received the amps, but they have reached a terminal in the city where I live. Have to wait until next week until I get them.

They are equipped with 6CA7 output tubes and Brimar input tubes. I like these tubes very much, but I guess I have to try the amps with my KT88's I also have, in another amp.

I am also considering what cables to use. Personally, I am more into big differences when I try out new hifi, the smallest nuances arent't my cup of tea as the records I listen to vary so much in sound quality anyway. I will try my current more or less no name cables and se what I think about that. If I miss much from what I heard, I might consider upgrading, but I think the acoustics of the room and speaker positioning is much more impotant for me.