b&k reference 200.7 price?

What would be a good price for this series 1 amp? i have a possible chance to pick one up. i am running b&w 804 in my home theater.... would this be a good match up? i really do jot have the money right now for any Macintosh or other high end amps... about $1,000 is where he is at. Are there something better in that price range? i run 5.1 not 7.
If all channels work..$1k is ideal....I got mine around that price and have been satisfied with my purchase. Your 804's will love you.
Shakedown you run 5.1 or 7.1.... also if you use 5.1 do you biamp? can it be done?
If i go to pick it up any ways to make sure it works correctly besides just making sure all channels put out power?
@Baranowski, what about if you ask the seller to bring the amp to your place to test it? possible?
or bring your own stuff (a source, speakers, wires) this way you will know if its working properly.