b&k reference 200.7 price?

What would be a good price for this series 1 amp? i have a possible chance to pick one up. i am running b&w 804 in my home theater.... would this be a good match up? i really do jot have the money right now for any Macintosh or other high end amps... about $1,000 is where he is at. Are there something better in that price range? i run 5.1 not 7.

I think $1000.00 is just about right but a "minty" 200.7 may bring in $1200.00. As you probably know, gear prices are all over the board these days. The 200.7 is a very nice amp IMO. I have owned B&K mostly for the last 4 to 5 years and have been mostly satisfied. I recently sold my B&K amps and am running (2) Acurus A200FIVE's with my 5.2 Klipsch Reference setup. Considering selling one of my Acurus 5-channels and running just one if I can't find the right 2-channel Acurus. If you are interested in the A200FIVE(very minty), let me know and I will list it here on A-gon for less than the B&K 200.7.

just noticed you are a bill as well. acurus is not a brand that i am familiar with, i havent really read anyone pairing it up with b&w 's before... Do you like the sound better than the b&k you used to use?
Thank you
I have found no sonic differences in the bi-wire mode...As long as you have good connection between your binding posts, jump them with your jump plates or wire. I have found a good sonic difference when I bi-amped my B&W's and I would consider that avenue with your extra connections to your main L & R.
B&K is out of business, so repairs can be an issue. I think some former employee(s) are doing service, but I have not seen anything about that recently.

I have a 200.7 for a home theater and it is a real powerhouse. However, it can be bright for 2 channel music. I believe the 804's can also tend to be bright, so it might not make a great match for 2 channel music. But, the brightness can be an asset for movies, if you like big explosions.

I also have an ATI 1806 which I actually prefer to the B&K. It does not have balanced inputs and has 20 watts less power (which is pretty meaningless). I think a 5 channel 1805 should be around $1,000.

I would also look at Parasound. You can find them in your price range and I think they are better balanced that the B&K, although I have never owned one. Maybe something like a HCA 2205.

Rotel are also available, although I would stay away from them. There are better options at the price.
A Proceed Amp 5 is also an option, although at somewhat more money. This is an early Levinson design.

People seem to also like the Emotiva line. You can get a new XPA-5 for less than $1,000. I have not heard one, but they get good reviews and people here seem to really like them.