b&k reference 200.7 price?

What would be a good price for this series 1 amp? i have a possible chance to pick one up. i am running b&w 804 in my home theater.... would this be a good match up? i really do jot have the money right now for any Macintosh or other high end amps... about $1,000 is where he is at. Are there something better in that price range? i run 5.1 not 7.
I would guess anywhere from $2500.00 to $4000.00 would be about right for a used P5 unless you meant a PVA-5 and that would be around $650.00. The P5 has been out for at least 8 years so used prices will have a big range. Remember too, the P5 is huge, 22.5 inches deep and 130 lbs.

From my understanding, the Anthem P5 Statement is in another class than the 200.7 and A200FIVE, but also in a completely different price bracket at $5000.00++. I am sure the P5 will handle any load any speaker can throw at it. The B&K, Acurus, and Anthem are all very good amps in their price points. IMO, if the 804's have a tendency to sound bright, maybe the B&K with it's warmish tone and somewhat rolled off highs is the better match. Just my opinion.

Willand - my experience is that the highs on the B&K are bright, not warmish and rolled off. I know others have said that, but that is not my experience.

With my Klipsch Reference towers and Heritage speakers, I think my B&K's tamed the highs a bit, a little too much with the Reference towers and just perfectly with the Heritage.
