b&k reference 200.7 price?

What would be a good price for this series 1 amp? i have a possible chance to pick one up. i am running b&w 804 in my home theater.... would this be a good match up? i really do jot have the money right now for any Macintosh or other high end amps... about $1,000 is where he is at. Are there something better in that price range? i run 5.1 not 7.

With my Klipsch Reference towers and Heritage speakers, I think my B&K's tamed the highs a bit, a little too much with the Reference towers and just perfectly with the Heritage.

Going to go and look at an anthem statement p5 tomorrow.. do i just listen to it and if it works then that is good or should i check something?
thank you
Should i worry about the p5 putting out 325 watts a side at 8 ohms. when the max on my speaker is 200? am i going to blow up my speakers?
When I go look at a piece of gear, I request the seller let me open up the hood so I can look for burn marks, capacitor leaks, and solder joint breaches. I test each channel with a small speaker that I bring along with me.

No worries about rated power vs speaker power rating, unless you get really stupid crazy with the volume knob. Set a max power on volume and max volume on your preamp and eliminate all worries.

Willand - just shows that synergy between amp and speakers is important. On my Sonus Faber Grand Piano and especially on my Cremona the 200.7 was just too harsh at anything other than modest volume. Went to a Levinson 432 and solved the problem, although as a very different price point. I just wanted the OP to be aware of my experience. He is looking at a Anthem now, which I think will be a step up from the B&K.