b&k reference 200.7 price?

What would be a good price for this series 1 amp? i have a possible chance to pick one up. i am running b&w 804 in my home theater.... would this be a good match up? i really do jot have the money right now for any Macintosh or other high end amps... about $1,000 is where he is at. Are there something better in that price range? i run 5.1 not 7.
Willand - my experience is that the highs on the B&K are bright, not warmish and rolled off. I know others have said that, but that is not my experience.

With my Klipsch Reference towers and Heritage speakers, I think my B&K's tamed the highs a bit, a little too much with the Reference towers and just perfectly with the Heritage.

Going to go and look at an anthem statement p5 tomorrow.. do i just listen to it and if it works then that is good or should i check something?
thank you
Should i worry about the p5 putting out 325 watts a side at 8 ohms. when the max on my speaker is 200? am i going to blow up my speakers?
When I go look at a piece of gear, I request the seller let me open up the hood so I can look for burn marks, capacitor leaks, and solder joint breaches. I test each channel with a small speaker that I bring along with me.

No worries about rated power vs speaker power rating, unless you get really stupid crazy with the volume knob. Set a max power on volume and max volume on your preamp and eliminate all worries.
