Newly Modded KWA 150 to SE

Just thought I'd provide something I'm not sure I've seen on this site to date, a brief review from an owner who's done an update of their KWA 150.

I just (yesterday), received back my Modwright KWA 150 amp, that was upgraded to 'SE' status. Let it burn in for about 6 hours before lending any critical ear and here's what I can report:
- initial deep bass seems lighter (but been there before and expect it will develop over the next week)
- more open and detailed sound
- more gain heard over older settings
- more 3D and with better transients
- mid bass (more noticeable, better snap and weight)
- improved tonality of instruments (especially Sax)

Overall, I'm VERY impressed for the dollar$ invested (have spent far more, for less) and can say with my personal conviction that any existing KWA 150 owners who are fence sitting - should give the SE upgrade, a serious consideration.

On a slightly different but still related topic, I listened to several repeated tracks using 2 different IC's I own (run direct from Source to Amp). The IC's identity are not so important here, as is the lesson that was driven home. Using cable 'A', my system sounded very inviting, interesting and sometimes exciting. Switching to cable 'B' (and much more expe$ive), my system lost all of the above and, I couldn't even listen to all of each repeated track - it was so relatively lifeless.

So, I guess my 2nd point here is, cables do make a difference, cost of cable is no indication it will improve things and, audition your upgrades with care because the fault you lay - may not be where you think.
The cable part is interesting to, as I don't own any ModWright gear.
I have been arguing, in a different thread, that expensive doesn't mean better or even good, it's just expensive.
Congratulations on a good investment JG :) The KWA-150 in the 'SE' spec is one of the real killer bargains in high end audio I reckon (shhh we better keep it a secret). It is a very musical amp, looks great & sounds warm and tube-like. The 150 also has wonderful inner detail. I can only imagine the 'SE' is on the next level.
I've heard a few friends talking about the KWA 150 and heard nothing but positive comments. Im looking forward to demo this unit.