Tube guy gets a B&K: tubes vs solid state

You folks probably already know all this, but maybe these observations will be helpful for some newbie... (tubey newbie?).

I've been looking to understand how to improve the sound of my tube system and decided to try a SS amp as a point of reference, and potentially as a permanent switch. Thanks to many here, the desirable choice seemed to be a McCormack DNA. But being unsure I decided to take a cheaper approach and bought a B&K ST-140 ($202 on ebay + $27 shipping), version 2, toroidal transformer. It is like new. After swapping back and forth with my Marantz 8B I have the following observations. Rest of system is stock CJ PV-5, ProAc One SCs, ordinary car audio speaker cable (next upgrade), all Kimber PBJ interconnects.

The issues I have with my system are a desire for tighter bass, more openness, less of a congested presentation. I got my system in 95 or so, and did some comparisons to SS then, but sometimes you have to relearn old lessons.

1) I am amazed at how pretty and smooth a sound the B&K has. It is a "lighter" sound, more even and polite or reserved, and the various instruments don't seem to be congesting together. For a $200, 20 year old amp, it is quite amazing.

2) The sound of tubes is different from the sound of solid state. It's difficult to overstate the significance of this. The tube sound is palpable and dimensional. I knew this before, and these have to be the most commonly used terms but it's true. But it's a bit stunning to hear it again.

3) I would never be happy with solid state because no matter how pretty, it does not have this tangible substance, palbability, or dimensionality. It is key to enjoyment of the sound. It is sonic sculpture versus sonic painting.

4) I expected the bass to be deeper, larger, and tighter with the B&K. At first blush I thought it was. But after several comparisons, it is none of these. It is stronger and...tighter doesn't seem like the right word but it is as tight with the 8B. More importantly it is more real, because of the palpability, and that makes it sound more accurate or defined. On recordings with fuzzy bass, though, I think the even, clear, laid-back presentation of the B&K renders the bass with more seeming definition whereas the 8B seems to be trying to make it full and tangible but having nothing to work with, it just puts forth a kinda warm and soft bassiness.

5) I now believe the comment I read here, that a SS amp with a tube preamp will not give the dimensionality and palpability of tubes. One needs a tube amp for this.

I no longer feel I need tighter bass; I see it differently and very much like the bass I have with the 8B. I do think I could use more openness, a bit better high end (PV-5s, I'm told here, have rolled-off highs), and a less congested sound when the band gets busy, which somehow seems to be linked to the palpability or substance of the sound. It's like the thick palpability is a bit too thick and things get congested together.

I'm not sure whether changes to the amp or preamp will solve those, but the experience with the B&K suggests the next move is the preamp. I'm trying to decide whether to pick up something less romantic/lush like an ARC or VTL, or to send my PV-5 off for upgrades, or buy a newer CJ. At this point not knowing which will be the more effective it's a coin toss unless a killer deal comes along. I'm getting more reluctant though to alter the nature of my PV-5. Since getting back into hifi I have never seen one for sale.

Any suggestions or thoughts on my next move would be most welcome.

Monarchy does make some great hybrid amps for the money. I owned the 160's and liked them very much. They also had that dimensionality other love in tube amps. I picked up a set for $1500 a few years ago.

That's quite a coincidence on the Helix speaker cable. at the time I was auditioning quite a few speaker cables (one at a time of course) sending most of them back or just borrowing. The Mapleshade was a bit too brightly lit, but there was something about the clarity and the bass impact that I decided to keep it. Popped it back in after a couple months and adjusted a couple other things, then I was hooked.
They have also mellowed with age, but don't be dismayed when you bend them around or uncoil them after storage. They can sound nasty for a bit before they settle.

Speaking of Monarchy amps, I just love my SM70 Pro's. Really do.
I would recommend the very best tube pre-amp you can afford. In my experience, I've come to believe that the pre-amp is truly the "heart" of the system. Amp/speaker must be proper match after that. Pre and amp must match up properly impedance wise as well. The other option would be be to try a passive pre and use the $ to get the very best amp you can afford. I've had good luck w both approaches and I think that the trade off, which is substantial but a matter of personal preference is more meat on bones vs. more transparency. Check out the thread on the lightspeed passive pre, which coupled with the correct tube amp can be extremely transparent and "immediate" and at half a kilobuck leaves you lots of $$ for a good tube amp. Going the other way, the Modwright line stage is quite neutral (much more so than an older CJ) and used is a real bargain, IMO. Of course, your source has to be up to driving the passive if you go that way.
Swampwalker, Charles1dad, and Lloydelee21, I am beginning to think the same thing; the pre is the heart of things and what I should focus on. A new CJ is exactly what I need, does anybody know the next Powerball numbers? What do you all think about the Sonic Frontiers Line 1? There is one for sale and I did a bit of reading that suggests it is neutral. I think I need to try something neutral as a reference point. There are also an RM-5 and a Berning TF-10. Also a BAT vk-3ix just went for 1400 on ebay which is above my budget right now. I think I am going to just have to buy to try something, hard to decide which so I have been reading a lot on the preamps.

I have also been interested in trying the Lightspeed, but never see one for sale. Apparently there are plans, but as of yet I don't know where to buy a new one, need to go back and research that better. But for not much more could get one of the first three preamps I listed above.

I'm not quite clear on when a passive is a match; something to do with the voltage your source produces?

Ssglx, I got the Mapleshade on John's recommendation, I've read a lot of his posts and he seldom seems to jump up and down and stand on his head, so I figured he must give pretty level headed recommendations. I think bright and clear is exactly what the doctor ordered for my 8B (or McIntosh) and CJ system. Part of me still can't believe speaker wire can matter. Grannyring, I will go have a look at Monarchy, don't know about them. Vicdamone, will also check into the Medussa, not aware of it...isn't there a movie star named after your handle? ???

John, I just read the thread tonight when researching preamps where you were debating a BAT or a Sonic Frontiers pre. I think it was from 03. What amp and preamp are you using now?

Hifiharv, also funny you should mention the EL-84. My recent speaker shopping involved a lot of time at Arizona Hifi in Phoenix, listening to ProAcs through the Leben cs-300x integrated. I really like the sound. When they switched to the big Leben amp and pre, the sound was more full bodied and less light, but I can't forget how much I liked the ProAcs with the EL-84s. Then talking to Pierre at Mapleshade, the Scott they modify uses EL-84s. It got me to thinking. There is a cs-300x on agon for 2000, but that's outside my budget right now. -correction- it's gone. At 2000 it went fast. Also, I have been thinking about the RM-9, but this got me thinking about the RM-10. Only issue is, I am in a 11x12 (bedroom) office right now. My 8B is nominally 35wpc. I listen at just about the point where I start hearing distortion, about 10 or 11 on the CJ volume control. I am afraid when I get a new home in the next year or two, with a larger room, 35wpc may not be enough. Manley makes an 8 tube EL-84 amp. Or I guess I could get a new amp. But the EL-84 is in my radar now.

Lloydelee21, Unsound, Timlub, Pdspecl, I don't doubt that some seriously good SS could melt my butter. I heard a Classe/McIntosh/PS Audio SS system when I auditioned the B&W PM-1s and CM-9s at Soundquest in El Paso. I didn't miss any aspect of tubes, it just seemed amazingly good. Trouble is I'll never be able to afford the $15k just for the Classe. I still think that in the lower price range the tubes are going to give me a quality that might let me forget about the stuff I can't afford, or at least I hope so. Csontos may have just the ticket with vintage SS, though that would certainly complicate my search. I do think I need to look at a neutral pre right now. I am even thinking about SS, if there is a Classe, Pass, or Levinson pre in my range...would have to be an old one to be that cheap. I am a fan of vintage SS though. I miss my Pioneer SC-950 receiver and my brother has a beautiful looking and sounding Luxman receiver with the analog tuning knob.

Given the Mapleshades are on the way, I think my next step is a pre, either the Lightspeed if I can find/build one, or a neutral sounding pre in the 500-1000 range.

Thanks much all,
Speaker wire certainly does matter. I have 4 pair by 3 manufacturers and one DIY. They are all very different and quite consistent each time I switch them in.