McCormack DNA-1 vs. Adcom GFA-5802

Relative noob here. I'm looking for a new (used) 2-channel amp to power my new Polk LSi9 bookshelf speakers. I've pretty much decided that I want to get the McCormack DNA-1. I've considered the Parasound Halo 23, as well as the Adcom GFA-5802, but it sounds like the McCormack DNA-1 is the better amp, according to a number of folks (unfortunately, I'm unable to personally listen to any of them).

My question is this: if the McCormack is the better amp, why is it priced around the same place as the Adcom and the Parasound in the current used market? I realize that the Adcom has a bit more power, and Parasound has made some great amps, but people seem pretty unanimous in preferring the DNA-1 for sound quality. What gives? Am I missing something? Is the used market just not as rational as I thought it would be, or has the superiority of the DNA-1 to the Adcom GFA-5802, and the Parasound Halo 23, been overstated? Is it just a matter of taste? Preference for the DNA-1 seemed to transcend mere fanboy-ism.

Thanks for any input.
Good luck Mr. Bthogan. Steve McCormack is very accessible and will answer questions and is available to perform mods if you like. I know from experience.
Possibly with my experiences I can concur and help you with your decision. I have owned all versions of the DNA 1 all the way up to revision A gold with a Plitron transformer. I also own the Adcom 5800 with upgrades performed by Musical Concepts. I was going to detail the differences between watts/damping factors of each and how they translate into the LF response and soundstage in my large, inefficient, 4 ohm speakers in a large room at good volumes but that is moot in your system.

You will be happy with a DNA of any ilk imho, and I hope you find one that is a deluxe or up to revision B status to acquire. I found that is the best money spent for an upgrade level.

Don't shy away from an upgraded Adcom as they are very nice compared to a stock/entry level DNA and are not high priced. I have dealt with Steve from SMC and John from MC and both are great folks and put put out quality upgrade work that still resides in my systems.
I agree - if you can wait for one you should pick up a used DNA with a Rev B or better upgrade. The difference between the quite good stock amp and the modded ones are startlingly better. Of course, those modded amps go quickly and don't come up for sale as often, but you will save quite a bit over buying a stock amp and paying for the modding yourself.
Thanks for all suggestions! The Adcom gfa-5802 was what I was gonna go with originally, and I'd still pick one up if I could find one for $600 or so. I came across the DNA-1 while looking for used 5802s. If I could find a 5802 for a bit less than a DNA-1, I'd grab it.

My main problem, which I think many folks here can sympathize with, is that my money appears to be burning a hole in my pocket. I'd love to get a modded/Rev'd DNA, or a DNA .5, but there don't seem to be any around, and I haven't seen any since I started looking a few months ago. I would certainly save money on the mod/revision that I'm sure I'll eventually get. However, there are a few DNA-1s floating around right now, at an acceptable price. I feel pretty certain that if I pick one up, Mr. McCormack will still be doing his thing by the time I collect enough box-tops to afford a mod.

For now, the plan looks like: pick up a DNA-1 in a week or two, and take Stereo5's advice and put some notices for modded/Rev'd/.5 DNAs. I've been flipping computer parts for a few years now; just a matter of learning to work with bigger boxes...
Did you acquire the .5 deluxe that was listed? There is a 1 deluxe available as of today. Good-luck!