McIntosh C2300 Power Cord Recommendation

I Just ordered a new C2300 and I just like to know what kind of power cord you guys recommend. Thank you.
Is the McIntosh C2300 a pre amp? My web search says it it. This then sounds even more incredible that a device which normally is required to produce only a couple of volts output could be the victim of an inferior power cord. Not to mention that McIntosh would slight its customers by such a trashy OEM power cord. Where's the humanity???
Bondmanp, Objectivists are not saying that subjectivists are wrong in their perceptions, but that they are wrong in claiming that there is a real difference in sound, when indeed there isn't a difference.
BTW, Objectivists can tell the difference in sound when there is indeed a difference and usually there is concrete evidence and data to explain the difference.

You have stated that you 'barely understand how electricity and electrical appliances function', yet boldly claim that "every stretch of wire has the potential to introduce extraneous noise .... etc". If you did have a better understanding of "how electricity functioned" you would know that your statement is NOT true.

Regards, Bob P.
As I mentioned before, all tube and some solid state amps have a power transformer which literally isolates the power line from the rest of the electronics.

Unless somehow this new fangled power cord overcomes the laws of physics, there's no way it can have any effect.

Here is an excerpt from their website they explain why it's better:
"By increasing the surface area of normal round wire tenfold or more, skin effect is no longer an issue."

Are they joking?? Do they (or anyone else) know what "skin effect" is? Well boys and girls, I do!

I was an amateur radio operator (WN2CMF) and built my own 40 and 80 meter transmitter and receiver, and studied analog RF theory, I know what skin effect is! It mostly applies to frequencies in the megahertz range and higher, where it has a significant contribution to transmission of signal. Skin effect is when the frequency of the signal is such that the electrons (yes, electrons are what moves to create a flow of current) move to the surface of the conductor away from the center. This is why waveguides in the gigahertz range are actually hollow tubes.

So, obviously the 50 or 60 hertz frequency of the power line has such a negligible effect on the migration of electrons to the "skin" of the conductor that it has absolutely nothing to do with the alleged improvement! Period! Their claim makes great advertising black magic, but has no scientific basis.

They even named it appropriately: Grand Illusion! How ironic.

Besides, who would pay $1,700 for a 4ft. length of flat copper conductor you can make yourself for $25?
Yes science has shown that no life exist outside our planet. Yet we have been for many years and continue to search for life outside our world. Should we stop because an objectionist says their is no proof of other life. Come on. Theories and principles change. Also for anyone to say what I may experience because science has not proved it therefore it is false, I believe is a bit narrow focused. Another example is before science proved that many animals have a greater sense of smell, most humans would have been ignorant to that because of their limited sense of smell. Or did it not exist prior to the findings?
Theories do not change, but different theories are proposed. All must meet multiples tests by independent examiners and the results must result in consistent findings in order to be declared scientificaly accurate. By consistent, I mean that the results of the tests must always be the same. If the results cannot be verified and do not produce the same results, the THAT theory is invalid.

No criticism of the remark is to be taken personally.

Ohm's law is Ohm's because it has been tested and always produces the same results.