Faceplates Silver or Black???????

What is your preference? Or, does it even matter?

The preferred 'faceplate color' pendulum sweeps back and forth over the years. Often, leaving us with a mixture of components.

Does anyone else take aesthetics into account when deciding on component selection?

Would you consider NOT purchasing the piece you know you want or know you should have, but couldn't pull the trigger because it didn't match your system?

Any other "sick puppies" out here?

Thoughts on where the trend is taking us now?
Prefer silver matte finish when possible. At this point all visible components are silver so I'm pretty happy.
Hey, let's have a thread on which color LEDs we prefer.
I don't mind the colour but I care about the design. Take the new Rega Osiris integrated for example - I could *never* buy it, no matter how magical it sounds. I mean, wt* were they thinking?
Do you plan to listen, or look at it? All things being equal, I prefer silver. Its never a deciding factor for me though. I currently have both in my systems.
Syntax, brilliant idea -- Stealth Gear. Not silver; not black. Stealth invisable. Wife problem solved.
Please note that I recommend "cruelty free" fake fur to cover components. Cruelty to people is fine, as there are too many of them anyway.

Stealth paint from NASA would imply supporting the Military Industrial Complex and could result in the deafening of whales while listening to your over-hyped Adele album.