Preamp Suggestions

I am new to higher or mid end equipment. I love my music and would like to get more out of it. I am also a student and of limited funds. If any one has experience with this equip and can help me please share your knowledge. I listen to rock, folk, jazz and am more and more listening to classical. I feel my Dyn audience 50's, NAD c370 sound great with my homemade speaker stands but are lacking an emotional quality. I have a Dual 1219 turntable w/ a Shure V15 II and NAD PP-II phono stage. Main Question is I am looking at purchasing an ADCOM GFP-565 Pre-Amplifier for $300. Does anyone have experience with this piece? or have recommendations. It seems to have good reviews and a good phono stage. Will be adding a DAC and Thorens TD 150 MKII later. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Oh many digital files through computer hence DAC to be added. Is this Pre-amp recomendable and will it help give the music more emotion with out to much taken from the signal path. thsnks
Rleff: I am searching for some boutique stores, all the Myer Emco's in my area have closed. And most people seem satisfied with Best Buy, but I am on the hunt and I know I'll find one. I am in the D.C. area so if anyone's got a leed please do tell.
the NAD is a good amp...for the money...the project tube phono preamp would treat you just fine...and is within reach with your budget...however...their standard dual mono phono preamp is darn good for the money...and roughly half as the tube model...
If I understood you right, you were looking for a $300 preamp correct? If that is the case, a tube buffer will certainly add some bloom to your NAD, but will not fix the problem of emotion, detail. I highly recommend that you take a look at my earlier recommendations. The Sumo Athena is an absolute steal at $300 and they can be purchased at this price and it includes a phono section noticeably better than your NAD PP2. Or did I miss somewhere on the budget amount?
Themgs14 check out the CONRAD JOHNSON PV10AL Tube Preamp it is near your price range;might be worth investigating.
Thanks to all, still considering all options. Any thoughts on a re-cap for the NAD? Read about some sound improvements, is this a serious consideration or hocus pocus? Maybe to brighten the sound as the NAD/ Dynaudio combo is a little dark but very enjoyable to me.