Preamps waste of money?

I've been forced to reevaluate the role of preamps. The best sound I have achieved is result of adding a stepped resistor volume control at the input stage inside of my tube amp. All other options I have tried or auditioned including both active and passive volume control(autoformer and LDRs)have "colored" the sound in one way or the other to an unacceptable degree compared the stepped attenuator at the input. Has anyone had similar experience?
I could be wrong, but most integrated have active preamp built into it, and they usually use cheap pots, not stepped attenuators. And integrated usually have switching capability for multiple inputs and even balance control...all of these degrades the signal. However, I've seen some tube integrated with a rudimentary pot at the input stage. My tube amps are mono blocks so I have stepped attenuator for each amp which can also serve as balance...probably the best way to set up balance control.
It did`nt seem(to me) as though Grannyring was defensive.Just pointing out this topic has many previous threads with the same results. There`ll always be two camps and I don`t believe that will ever change.As he says what ever works out best case by case.

Not defensive at all. Just responding to your post. I am just saying for some it is a waste of money and for some not. I acknowledge we all have different wants and needs in the sound and presentation of our music. I am sure some would prefer their systems even without the Dude! No surprise to me and no defense.

Enjoy your newfound synergy!
The residual thinness you think you hear from S.S. preamps is the lack of coloration you get with all tube components. The thinnest, most sterile systems I've heard had no preamp.