Need tube 101 info

Ok I'm new to this tube preamp world and I'd like to know a few things. I've acquired a BAT Vk-3ix that needs new tubes but I'm not sure I understand what tubes do what and how to properly "roll" them. I don't want "bright" tubes but I'm completely at a loss as to which brands I should be looking at.

Also what do the two tall inboard tubes do, and what do the small pairs to the left and right do?

When you get a matched pair of the small tubes does one go on the left and one go on the right?

Can you mix brands on the left and right. For example can you have brand x and y on the left and x and y on the right? Will that hurt anything? Or should all be the same brand?

I know these may be simple questions but I gotta start somewhere I suppose.
Hmmmmm. Didn't realize the question was beyond the capabilities of the written word of a group of enthusiasts. I get the generals, but the way some tube-o-philes go on about the things you begin to wonder if there is more art than science behind it. I'm just trying to get users experience - not dealers at this point.
Btw I have no audio stores where I live - nowheres near, unless you count Best Buy. Somehow I don't think they will understand.
Fear not as you can have a lot of fun as a newbie "tube roller". Try to avoid the "local dealer explanation" option as the "audio salon" salespeople often (not always...there are some nice people out there) are opinionated, desperate burn outs with more attitude than a fashion week shoe designer, the attention span of a hamster, and will make it clear that they don't like you unless you plan to drop 9 grand on cables. Mixing tube brands on the left and right can give each channel its own sound, but you shouldn't want that. Perusing your options at is what I suggest...there are great inexpensive options for the tubes you require, and if you call them somebody there will talk to you like you matter. They turned me on to a LESS EXPENSIVE (!) 12ax7 driver tube brand because they thought it would sound like what I seemed to want...they were 100% correct, and have a return policy in case they're not. Also, avoid the churlish and self satisfied opinions of the A'gon "tube snob mafia" or you'll wind up with 2 grand worth of dusty Bugle Boys salvaged from a 1952 Lithuanian helicopter.
As your current tubes are not up to snuff purchase a complete retube kit for $90 online (thetubestore) in order that you will have a basis for comparison once you start experimenting with more exotic tubes.
Thank you for your time and information. I have been to and I did a lot of reading and ordered the OEM package of Electro-harmonix - evidently the Sovtek's are not made anymore. This set will be my "base" from which to compare others with. I am also looking for a matched pair of Mullards to replace the bad one currently in the pre amp.

As for the left/right issue, I didn't mean one brand on the left and one brand on the right, I meant one of each on the left and one of each on the right.

Sorry if that was confusing.