Speaker pairings with Pass INT-30A

Fellow Audiogoner's I'm looking for a pair of monitors to go with the INT-30A. Not going to restrict the conversation to a price point as I'm curious about all possibilities. The only condition is they have to be monitors!'

Not monitors, but I had the XA 30.5 paired with Zu's and that was a great combination.
PMC "TB2i"or "DB1i".EASY to drive,excellent Bass from small/med. size cabs & reputation for fantastic sound reproduction.What's not to like?
SOme more great suggestions. Thanks all. The Zu definitions look intriguing but out of my price range I believe.
Maybe the MK III's on the used market MIGHT COME CLOSE.

I'm looking at about $2000-3000 budget wise.

Monitors mainly because they have to have a high wife pleasing factor right now and that means relatively small!

I once owned the Merlin's vsm-mme with BAM. Really liked that speaker. Wonder if the 30A could cut the mustard with the TSM though?

Revels sounds like a possibility but I hear you on needing a sub.

Rest of my system as it is now consists of the 30A Clearaudio Concept table and MC cart, K&K phono pre, acoustic revive cabling. Just need the speakers to make it all sing.

No opinions on the Paradigm S2's?

I mainly listen to rock/pop, a fair bit of jazz, not really classical. My goal is an accurate system that sounds musical but also fairly neutral. I appreciate speakers that can perform well on female vocals for example but also have the drive and snap to carry electric guitar.

Thanks for the continued help!
Good to see you back into the hobby! My friend has Zu Superfly and im amazed with the sound. Fast and great bass.