Headphone Amps

Hey guys,

What is your choice for the best headphone amp that you have used with the Sennheiser HD650 headphones

I am using the 650's balanced with a balanced BUDA headphone amp ....look at Headphone.com. This is the best recorded sound I have ever heard. (I use it with the optional Cardas balanced cable into an all Ayre system. The sound is remarkable
Thanks for all the input guys.... I have been reading the reviews on all the suggestions and they all come up good.

I am going to be connecting the headphone out to a tube pre-amp.

So the question is do I go with a tube or SS headphone amp?

The pre-amps output to the headphone amp will (I assume) come from the pre-amps tape out. If so the signal will bypass the tube amp stage in the pre-amp so there will be no tube redundancy. If you are taking the signal from one of the pre-amps main outputs you will not only have tube redundancy but you will have attenuator redundance which is not optimum by a considerable margin.

If you could afford it you might consider a headphone system with a seperate CDP or a CDP with the signal being split and shared by the headphone amp and the pre-amp. The first is optimum.

Tubes & 650's are a great match.