Audio Research Ref 250s for Magnepan 20.1s?

OK, I'm thinking about taking the plunge into large tube amp, upgrading. Will the ARC Ref 250s have enough power for the Magnepan 20.1 speakers? Anyone using this combo? The Ref 750s seem too far out there for me but I would like to hear if someone has experience with either of these? Right now I have ARC Ref 3 preamp and Ref 8 CD player along with Pass Labs XP25 phonopre, VPI table with dynavector cart, and Pass Labs X600.5s. I have plenty of power but had an eye opening experience with a friend's Cary Audio 60 watt triode stereo amp. Nowhere near the power needed but it had qualities I desire such as midrange bloom and wide soundstage without harsh upper end. It was bass shy but I do have Nola subs. Should I sell the pass 600.5s and get ARC ref 250s? or 750s (god forbid)?
Any tube amp with a board makes me nervous. The Carver is getting good press. They should be good. The asl hurricane are also very good. If you can tolerate a board, the manley 250 or 500 can get the job done. Audition is a must. Do try pass and bryston. Try biamp with a marchand xm 26 bryston 14 or 7 bst on the bass and 4bst on top. That sound opened my maggies like never before. Open, dynamic, powerful and so majestic.
I would certainly contact the manufacturer and ask them. I'm sure customer service can help you with this.
Magnepan used to drive their 20.1s w/ an ARC VT200. The Ref 250 will drive the 20.1 to varying effect depending upon the acoustic environment, which means you need to listen to them in your system. Unless someone responds to your post who owns the Ref250s driving 20.1s these threads are mostly a listing of brands that others think are a better choice than what you actually inquired about.
Djcxxx...."these threads are mostly a listing of brands that others think are a better choice than what you actually inquired about".

"eye opening experience with a friend's Cary Audio 60 watt… " If the OP is looking for a similar presentation as the Cary then suggestions other than the ARC are certainly to the point.