I am looking for a little guidance, The pre is ARC LS 25mk2 and the amp is ARC VM-220 mono's hook-up to a set of Wood Quatro's. When i turn up the volume past half way, I seam to be losing the warmth of the tubes, Its sounds alittle (forced, less detailed) not sure how to explain it, just different. I biased the tubes all at 65. was wondering if i need to switch to Tung-sol KT120 tubes or go with a different set of speakers, higher in sensitivity, or is this headed in the wrong direction.thanks
I woulds suggest you call me before you piss away more
money, that some of the well intended folks here will have you spending.
A few key points of set up will be the solution.
973 239 1799

Where do you have the gain set on the LS25, low, med or high? The Ref 210's are going to have about the same power output as the VM 220s. Though the Ref amps have a little different type of sound. KT120 tubes will up the power a little bit. But I am not sure power is the problem. It would not hurt to play with the setup a bit. Also I have never been a big fan of Kimber with Audio Research gear.
Hello the gain is normaly set MED unitl i turn it up then i switch it to LOW, Have KK on the Biwire speaker cables and Alpha Core Goertz silver on Interconnects. I have also tried Synergistic and Cardas which i did not like at all.
Just wondering if its the phono stage, I listen 95% vinyl and the phono stage is an inexpensive Clearaudio Nano! Could that be the problem.
I keep my LS25's gain at Med. You could test to see if the same thing happens when you play a CD. That way you can see if it is the phono preamp or not. You can also borrow a demo phono preamp from your dealer and see if that makes a noticable difference. Though I have never tried them, Vandersteen speakers are suppose to be a really good match with ARC amps.

I also did not like Cardas with my system either. ARC uses both Shunyata cables and power cords at shows. I just replaced both the power cables on my LS25 and Ref CD7 with Shunyata. I already had a Shunyata Black Mamba for my Ref 110. My interconects and speaker cables are old ARC Litz II.