I am looking for a little guidance, The pre is ARC LS 25mk2 and the amp is ARC VM-220 mono's hook-up to a set of Wood Quatro's. When i turn up the volume past half way, I seam to be losing the warmth of the tubes, Its sounds alittle (forced, less detailed) not sure how to explain it, just different. I biased the tubes all at 65. was wondering if i need to switch to Tung-sol KT120 tubes or go with a different set of speakers, higher in sensitivity, or is this headed in the wrong direction.thanks
Hello the gain is normaly set MED unitl i turn it up then i switch it to LOW, Have KK on the Biwire speaker cables and Alpha Core Goertz silver on Interconnects. I have also tried Synergistic and Cardas which i did not like at all.
Just wondering if its the phono stage, I listen 95% vinyl and the phono stage is an inexpensive Clearaudio Nano! Could that be the problem.
I keep my LS25's gain at Med. You could test to see if the same thing happens when you play a CD. That way you can see if it is the phono preamp or not. You can also borrow a demo phono preamp from your dealer and see if that makes a noticable difference. Though I have never tried them, Vandersteen speakers are suppose to be a really good match with ARC amps.

I also did not like Cardas with my system either. ARC uses both Shunyata cables and power cords at shows. I just replaced both the power cables on my LS25 and Ref CD7 with Shunyata. I already had a Shunyata Black Mamba for my Ref 110. My interconects and speaker cables are old ARC Litz II.
I made the call to John, and he was very helpful as usual, I should have called him first, just didnt want to bother him, He made a couple good sugestion, first recalibrate the pots, we calculated different speaker locations, He will be sending a demo pair of interconectors, I will be getting different driver tubes (6n1p) new old stock from him. and moving the component rack out of the middle of speaker, to a side wall. I let everybody know this weekend, thanks