Belles 150A ref V2 vs Bryston 4BSST2

I need a good power amp. Can anyone kindly advise Belles 150A ref V2 vs Bryston 3 or 4BSST2 sonically ? Both had fabulous reviews. The Bryston is much pricier but does that mean it is a totally different league altogether? Is it fair to compare these 2 ? Does it mean that Belles 150 is no match for the Bryston sonically becos of the price category?
It's a solid workhorse amp. It does more good than harm. Is there better, yes of course, but pretty much more expensive. However, I feel the current retail price is a bit high for what the amp does.
You don't see the Belles 150a for sale very often and it is relatively inexpensive to purchase but I think it sounds spectacular. One thing to be noted is that it has a very full sound, kind of reminds me of the Odyssey Stratos in that regard. I'm not a big Fan of Bryston bcause I don't think they are very transparent amps & transparency is right at the top of my list.
I find Bryston to be transparent & musical
Compared to others I've had..
Musical Fidelity,etc
I'm a musician,Bryston sounds the most accurate w/no colorations(to me).
However to own Bryston BP17 preamp w/phono+4BSST2 amplifier & optional remote comes to about $10,000
Rather excessive I feel
Well, I will admit that Bryston is not the great knockdown value it once was. However, it is still lower in price compared to quite a few other high end brands out there.