Belles 150A ref V2 vs Bryston 4BSST2

I need a good power amp. Can anyone kindly advise Belles 150A ref V2 vs Bryston 3 or 4BSST2 sonically ? Both had fabulous reviews. The Bryston is much pricier but does that mean it is a totally different league altogether? Is it fair to compare these 2 ? Does it mean that Belles 150 is no match for the Bryston sonically becos of the price category?
You don't see the Belles 150a for sale very often and it is relatively inexpensive to purchase but I think it sounds spectacular. One thing to be noted is that it has a very full sound, kind of reminds me of the Odyssey Stratos in that regard. I'm not a big Fan of Bryston bcause I don't think they are very transparent amps & transparency is right at the top of my list.
I find Bryston to be transparent & musical
Compared to others I've had..
Musical Fidelity,etc
I'm a musician,Bryston sounds the most accurate w/no colorations(to me).
However to own Bryston BP17 preamp w/phono+4BSST2 amplifier & optional remote comes to about $10,000
Rather excessive I feel
Well, I will admit that Bryston is not the great knockdown value it once was. However, it is still lower in price compared to quite a few other high end brands out there.
I have a Belles 350A (not Reference model). I think it depends on what you're pairing it with. My preamp is a Joule Electra LA 150 Mk2, and absolutely no fatigue when listening for hours. The Belles in this system is in no way bright, analytical, or harsh, yet detail comes through (of course not to the level of much more expensive amps). I was a professional bass player for years and know bass, due to the Belles damping factor of 1000 it controls woofers extremely well, good deep but not wooly bass (have Salk Soundscape 8 speakers). I can't speak to the Bryston, having never heard one. Hope this helps.
I have owned many solid state amps, Conrad Johnson, Audio
Research, McCormack, Bat, Bryston, etc and some were very good
but the Belles really pulled away from the crowd & stood out
in a positive way. I have not heard that big tall, room
filling sound from no other solid state amp. For myself it was
a revelation. I'm sure that the associated gear can also make
or break ones final decision.