Sounds to me like your attenuator/volume pot may be dirty. If it can be easily accessed, some electrical cleaner/lubricant may be all it needs. Something like Caig's Pro Gold.
I'm sure there are many others that members have as favorites, but the Caig's is a good starting point.
You'll want to spray enough in to penetrate into the pot, and then rotate the knob to work the fluid in. This can be done on most, if not all, of the swiches in the component.
That may solve your problem, if not, a trip to the repair shop may be in order.
Best of luck, regards,
I'm sure there are many others that members have as favorites, but the Caig's is a good starting point.
You'll want to spray enough in to penetrate into the pot, and then rotate the knob to work the fluid in. This can be done on most, if not all, of the swiches in the component.
That may solve your problem, if not, a trip to the repair shop may be in order.
Best of luck, regards,