Does you wife touch your system?

I am quite surprised how my wife is becoming an audiophile little by little. Until not that long she was happy with computer desktop crappy speakers and now every time I get nice stereo is sounding to the point that she enjoys it more than me!!!!

I wonder if this new situation will make my next purchase justifiable...:)
There are wives a'plenty for sale out there, Liz. Cost a lot more than your stereo though.

Mt10425, you're really missin out!
Not only does my wife never go near my man cave basement system, she doesn't even like music. Any music. It's a mixed marriage.
Csontos-no, not really. The level of intelligence and common sense (these are mutually exclusive), along with being a great mom with terrific communication & computer technology abilities are way more important than those generic spousal skills listed by Elizabeth. I'm a very fortunate audio husband willing/able to share my audio/music experiences with my wife.