Oppo BDP-95 as a pure two channel audio source?

Curious to know if anyone out there has purchased the Oppo BDP-95 soely on its merit as a dedicated two channel audio source? If so, how does it stack up comparatively speaking. Thanks
Don't take what Freediver said lightly. Modding it won't improve it a whole lot. It's pretty well all there.
Oppo 95 mods are menu driven, i.e., you pay for what you want. The all-out, no holds barred analog and digital mods from EVS, for example, including the $400 Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX and EVS's super duper clock - runs around $1800. Less than twice the cost of the Oppo 95. That's for the Full Monty. If video is not a high priority, the cost of modding can be reduced significantly.

I personally would wait until the newer 103 and 105 are released and reviews are out on those. You could always still go with a used 95, but the 105 in particular has some very nice features (can input digital and be used as just a DAC; has a headphone jack, etc).
Thanks again to all for the insight. I consider myself a music lover first with a serious audiophile approach to the hobby, so the feature or video components of the player would not come into play for me. I'm intrigued by the overwhelmingly positive reviews this player is receiving and I was hoping it would surface as a potential SACD/CD upgrade contender for my current source, the Bryston BCD-1. However, I'm not getting that impression, as virtually everyone who writes or weighs in, has either modded it to make it better or has purchased it, (and rightly so) for it's intended purpose, which is a quality AV piece. Thanks

I was in the same thought process before I made my Oppo purchase. As I said in my previous post, I couldn't be happier with my Oppo BDP 93...It was what I could afford at the time and I have ZERO regrets espeically since it is my main music source. I have been blessed with building a system over the past several years that I am very content with and having recently moved and my new room is WAY MUCH BETTER than what I previously had.. I am looking to now go up that notch and the BDP 105 makes it even more enticing with the headphone amp feature as well. You will not go wrong with the purchase of Oppo as a musical source, it is nice to be able to use it for video as well. These units are that and a bag of chips, try just one and you will be hooked...