Oppo BDP-95 as a pure two channel audio source?

Curious to know if anyone out there has purchased the Oppo BDP-95 soely on its merit as a dedicated two channel audio source? If so, how does it stack up comparatively speaking. Thanks
Your point is well taken Jimmy2615, however, while that type of head-to-head would certainly be ideal, I'm not sure how accessible a comparison of that nature would be to most potential buyers. Realistically, I think most of us are left to judge a particular components' sound based on what we've heard previously, which admittedly, is most certainly fallible. That said, not having heard either the Oppo or the reference piece you cite in Mikes' comparison above, I'm not sure what that that tells me about either player, i.e. is the Oppo that good or is the $15K piece that bad? For the sake of curiosity, which did you like better, the Ayre or Meridian? Also, just to be clear, was it your impression that the Oppo sounded to be on par with the cheaper Denon? Thanks
Distance isn't the only consideration when talking about balanced. Ask anyone with an Ayre AX7e. It depends on the design.
I have considerable experience with the BDP-95 as a 2 channel source. It has been in my system against a host of DAC's including Eastern Electric Minimax, NAD M51,BDP83se modded, Metrum Octave, Tranquility and others.

The way I used the BDP-95 ultimately was run an HDMI cable to the NAD. This gave me a I2S interface and was quite good.

I've moved on to higher ground (still have the 95 for SACD duty) and now I'm comparing a Mac mini fed by a Kora power supply to a CAPs server fed by the same Kora power supply but with a USB card that re-clocks and performs some other magic. This plays in a different league and it should given the $2K NAD and the $$ power supply server combo.

The Oppo is a wonderful machine in my opinion. The DAC is good, on par with the Minimax and a few others I played it against but to be honest it was apples to oranges. Depending upon setup the Oppo had a narrow soundstage but a solid central image whereas the EE had a wider soundstage with greater separation but singers also got diffuse. With the EE tube employed it softened too much in my system. Yet in other systems (last night I heard that same EE in a different system) and it showed a very solid image and was better with the tube employed.

So DAC's seem to play different in different systems. Shouldn't be surprised but I was.

So what do you do. I've been fortunate to be able to audition many DAC's and setups in my system with the baseline being the Oppo. The Oppo was the cheaper of the routes I had but it was certainly great until I discovered the outboard DAC's and the magic they can possess. In the end, your pocket book will decide.

One thing I hated about the Oppo was its interface. I use an outboard hard drive to stream my library. If Oppo came up with a good interface, it wouldn't even be fair considering how good for the money this player is.

Probably more information you wanted to know. As usual, my 2 cents worth.
Appreciate the detail Desalvo55, thank you. My real question is how does the Oppo 95 stack up, (in terms of audiophile standards) as a pure, two channel red book cd player? Which from what I'm hearing, is a question by it's very nature that misses the point of the Oppos' designed intention. The intent being the 95/105 is a player targeted to those video and computer entushiast who will make the most of it's features and not the dedicated two audiophile who may be better served to look along the lines of Ayre, Esoteric, or in my case, sticking with the Bryston BCD-1. Thanks
I'm using an OPPO BDP-85SE version with DynAudio C4 Signature II's and it's darn good sounding for a grand. I'd say it is the single best "deal" I've bought as far as sound and price. I use it for music 90% of the time. I would be happy to buy another one when it wears out based on what this unit provides.

But I agree 100%, to tell the difference you'd need to do it in the same system with the same source material (put one on AUX input and one on CD input and RIP the same CD and listen, switching back and fourth between the two synced together). Switch the two sources to remove that possible sound bias and see what you hear.