Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
At one time I gave very serious thought to purchasing a used Concert Fidelity as it had really impressed me. Instead I bought the CSL new and haven't looked back although I'm pretty sure that I'd like the CF very much as well.
Charles1dad, I doubt that the CF will do what the CSL does. It is not a direct heated triode preamp design. That is the beginning where the magic happens. The second part is removing the capacitors in the signal path. That is IMO where a capacitor cannot keep up with a transformer and IMO again tends to cause a smearing of the sound. These are generalizations but that is what my experience and hears tell me in direct comparison.
Hi Bigkidz,
In terms of design you're preaching to the choir, I'm a hugh fan of DHT tubes and their unique characteristics and most of all their sound quality. IMO DHTs are the best choice for providing a natural , realistic and communicative reproduction of music.
If given a choice I'd select an interstage transformer over a capacitor in the signal path as you noted. Admittedly so much is dependant on designer talent, implementation and part quality (a great capacitor would beat a poor quality transformer).

The Concert Fidelity preamp sounds excellent to me regardless of its lack of DHT tubes or interstage transformer. Both the CSL and CF are minimalist , short signal path, singal gain stage designs with very low parts count.
As good as the CF sounds I don't find it "better" sounding then the CSL and it's 4x the cost of the CSL. The CSL conveys the emotion, passion, life and of music in a most believable and organic fashion.
Need clarification...did you replace your Concert Fidelity CF-080LSX2 Preamp with the Coincident Audio Statement Linestage? If so, could you please let me know the difference in sound, and why you preferred one over the other?

Thanks in advance.
All this is hear say, until you have both preamps in your system will you really know the truth. I also thought having an interstage transformer was the best. I however, was proved wrong when I compared my VAC SIG 2a preamp with interstage transformer to my Absolare preamp that uses a capacitor. No contest the Absolare is purer much more transparent and much quieter. Folks it is all in the design and after this exercise I am open to any design that is implemented well without biases.