Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
David, I use a Voodoo Air Dragon on my CSLS. I tried a number of pretty good cords, but the Air dragon out performed them all. Best dynamics and timbral accuracy by a long shot. I have not tried the Coincident cord however. Next best to the Voodoo was an old PS Audio Statement. Great on dynamics, but it had some other issues. I think the CSLS likes a lot of copper. It wants current, and it wants it right now, seemingly.
Thanks for the update on the much anticipated Psvane W.E. 101D . The pin type for the CSL is long with 2 thick and 2 thinner pins like the 300b. Rachel have the factory take their time and do a good job, we want the best quality available.

Dr David,
Interesting how some of us are getting different results. The Psvane Hifi 101D are just better than the Shuguang to my ears.
I bought my 101D WE Replica tubes at the Guangzhou HiFi show in December which was their first release. I think we can therefore claim the scoop on these!

There was no risk of getting the wrong pins at the show however. The PSvane guys were very thorough in determining the application before they handed over the tubes.
Yes ,how true that is with so many components. We all define perfect differently,and that I think ,is one of the wonderful aspects of high end. I've always believed that "the best sound" is the sound YOU like the best!

As Charles has indicated the correct pins are the 300B style which must be specified while ordering.

Although the first batch as described by Rachel may have been comparatively small, I was told by Psvane that they were made by their most experienced employees and passed several tests before making the world debut at the GZ show. ( this is one of the most important shows in China)