upscale audio is this legal?

Maybe I'm wrong but wanted to get the communities thoughts. A good friend of mine bought a Cary amp from upscale audio it was supposed to be a v12 i. That was a year and a half ago recently he was going to sell it and was looking at the receipt from them and the serial numbers dont match at all!! totally different amp not even a i series. well he called them and they told him there was nothing they would do. I have never checked the serial number on anything I have bought but will from now on.My friend assumed he was getting what he paid for but did not! You would think they knew somewhere along the line they sold him the wrong amp . anyway whats your thoughts.
As the owner of Upscale Audio, I spoke to this fellow yesterday. Let me make a few points:

A: He bought it over a year and a half ago. He needed to contact us in a reasonable time.

B: The unit serial number he has I have no record of owning, buying, shipping, whatever. Having said that, maybe we screwed the pooch and made a mistake.

C: The unit he bought and paid for had damage, having a dented transformer cover. It was discounted and priced as a damaged unit. It evens said that on our used listing which is copied directly onto his invoice. He fails to tell you this. What he received is mint. He conveniently leaves this out.

D: Check the Audiogon bluebook, and the V12 and V12i are not even listed seperate. They retail the same and share the same listing on the bluebook value. Why? They have the same topology. The V12i used a front end tube with less gain, making it harder to drive. This was changed back when the V12i became the V12R.

We have thrived over these last 17 years and enjoy a pretty good reputation. We're the largest tube dealer in the nation. We stock ten times more gear than most dealers. But when you deal with tens of thousands of customers, you will for sure either make mistakes or deal with the unreasonable.

Best to all of you

Kevin Deal
After 1 1/2 years.... your fault. Put the shoe on the other foot. I think you are really reaching here.
Totally DIFFERENT amp AND not even an I? Are you sure it's a CARY? Checking serial numbers on anything is the first thing you should do. Look in the manual. I even wrote down the serial numbers on 4 new Nordost power cords I bought.
It seems to me that Kevin Deal is a pretty straight up guy for stepping into the lion's den of this thread and giving a clear and thorough response. That, along with looking at his perfect feedback, leaves me with the thought that the matter is between the original poster and Mr. Deal, not an appropriate subject for this forum. BTW, I do not know Kevin, nor am I out to take sides. Just trying to look at this in a sensible manner.
I have had a positive experience dealing with Kevin. I made a purchase transaction long distance, by phone. He was very straight forward with me over the phone, answered all my questions, I gave him my credit card number, and the product arrived on my doorstep a couple of days later. Stand up guy, of high integrity.