today i got my new Focal Electra 1038BE ,help

oday i got my brand new Focal Electra 1038BE , need some help for the rest of the system

later i will add the Electra center and rear
sub , i don't know if to buy the electra also or something else


Multi channel amp and pre processor

until now i connect my computer with optic cable to the receiver with motherboard sound card

i'm new to the high end sound
until now i connect my computer with optic cable to the receiver with motherboard sound card
i don't even now what is DAC and how to get good sources

because i want to use the system for HT and also for stereo music
i need Multi channel amp and pre processor , right?

Classe' SSP-800 , what are their price? i think they are too expensive
i need to invest more money on the rest of the Electra system

red that the 1038 BE
are very clear and pure sound
need very good amp

can you recommend amp that match?

i have tech question:
usually i hear full detail when i listen in high volume
but i don't have dedicate isolated sound room that i can listen without interrupt to other people around.

there is a way to enjoy music without high volume?
maybe specific Amp better then other for that
or my big speakers can't do that anyway?

(hope you understand my poor english)

this model can be good enough for pre ?
Kzhtoo ,thanks so much! i don't know what i will do without your help!
i went to few store , they don't know anything about Focal.

i have around 25% discount directly from Pass
i can buy the X250.5 for $6.5

i think it's better to get enough power so when i will move to a bigger house i will not need to buy another Amp ,

or should i choose only Class A Amp but with more power?

what about integrated amp , you think it's not good idea?

i red that those are great:
Modwright KWI 200
Musical fidelity
Again, 1038 Be is fairly efficient speakers...meaning you don't need monster of an amp. With your budget and your needs (pretty much everything except speakers), I find Parasound Halo series is quite fitting.
If your budget allows X250.5 will be a good choice (I personally prefer XA.5 series). Try contacting Reno Hifi, they usually have very well priced demo units.

Integrated could also work very well for you. Again the key is, just because your system is HT/stereo combo, getting an integrated with HT by-pass.

Again, my recommendation is don't blow all your budget on the amp alone (i.e., spending $6-7k on the amp for $8k budget). In order for a hifi system to sound good, every piece of equipment in the signal chain has to play well with others (on par with others). You can get the "best" speakers and amps, but if your other components aren't up to par, it will not sound good.

As a side note, if you're still planning to play music off your pc optical out, getting a reclocker is a must IMO.

If you play CDs a lot, getting a good transport cdp is a must. Oppo-105 that coming out is a good start. After the speakers, I find the transport gives 2nd most performance per dollar.
Just to make sure Pelo, you're running music off from your PC via optical output? Did I mistaken you with someone else?