What speakers match my system? $3,000 Budget

I've been looking at PSB Imagine T2's and remain open to new products, but I think for speakers it may be a better investment to find something used and not impossible to find.

I have a budget of around $2,000-$3000, and if it makes any difference I will likely transition to vinyl in the near future.

The current setup:

MacBook (FLAC 24/96) or airport ---> Monarchy DIP Upsampler --> Emotiva XDA-1 DAC ---> AES AE-3 pre ---> Mcintosh MC2125 amp --> Klipsch RP-5's

All comments and suggestions are welcome!
Tektons (Pendragons) and Gallo Classicos (CL-3, CL-4) will rock your world. The Tektons are *very* efficient, no need for any more than 75-100 watts/ch. amp. The Classicos would like to see a hi-current amp of 100 - 200 watts/ch...

How soon are you moving? And how permanent will your new place be? I might wait until you have a room for those speakers...
Though I know a Zu lover here (Gopher), who sold his Superflys due to room issues
I would recommend a you demo a pair of kef r700 if possible. Check the reveiw on soundstage.com on r500 he is dead on in his reveiw. You can also see his comments. On audio asylum on r900 type in kef r900 in search . Good luck.