Anyone else receive low offers right away ?

Seem like everytime i list something for sale i get offers within the first hour . They are hundreds less than asking price . Are people looking for flipping oppertunities here or what ? so annoying .
Maybe you think your stuff is worth more than it really is. Just a thought.
Everything i have listed has sold in 30 days . All at or close to my asking prices . I t just struck me that like clockwork on all listings these offers come within an hour .So it is not my asking prices .
Agree with Maplegrovemusic. I have received some very angry argumentative responses for not accepting early lowball offers for items that fairly soon sold for much more
On CraigsList, I've received form letters with a low offer and to ship the item to them and I will receive their check. This only happens when the ad is first posted.
Never received any spam like this on Agon. How could anyone fall for this trick?
I think some prices on audiogon are actually high. I recently bought a sub locally for $350 and since have seen two of the same subs as mine listed here for $450. I got my paradigm studio 60's for $1500 from a local audio shop. They were a demo pair. Three weeks ago, a pair sold here for $1700 and there is another pair for $2200. I've come to the conclusion that in these times, the used market is very competitive and most of the time, you think your possesions are worth more than they are. A year ago, I bought a cbr 900 rr for $2800, rode it for five months and then tried selling it for $2500 with new tires, a recent valve job, oil change and new spark plugs and air filter, all factory installed. I got an offer for $1800 the second day and was insulted. Ten offers and a month later, I sold it for $1800. I actually think the initial legit lowball offers (no over seas, my uncle will pay you, yada yada) are good at making you realize your mint 1982 oldsmoble isn't worth $12,000, just because you put peacock leather seats in it. I wonder if the saying "one mans junk, is another Mans treasure" might be more relavent vice versa. I figure if I pay $800 for an amp, use it for a year and then try to sell it for $800 just because I initially got a good deal on it, well then I probably am one of those people Elizabeth mentioned!