Grey amplifier Imports from Japan?

I have a feeling this has been discussed before, but I can't find the thread. I am leaning towards a Luxman or Accuphase SS, class A/B integrated. Something like the Luxman 507.

Looking online, the savings importing from Japan against buying locally, are enormous. There are clearly, real risks,, the loss of warranty support, having to use a transformer to change the voltage, which must have the potential to degrade the sound.. Against that, brands have a reputation for reliability.

If anyone has bought from one of the Japaneses sites, can they decribe their experience? Thanks
Most Accuphase gear (if not all) can be easily rewired for 100/115/230v operation.
True, however, are these sites to be trusted? Even though the price is a lot less, you're still dealing with a lot of money here.
There is a distributor for Luxman based in California as well as Accuphase. Trying to get service on the product after your purchase it may be impossible, and you would obviously have to pay out of pocket for any repairs, thereby making it no longer cost effective.
My opinion (and no more than that): there is a nice person (Philip) who imports Luxman into the US, makes a living that way ( Similar feeling about dealers who offer their advice based on years in the industry who also make a living doing this (great example is Johnny Rutan at Audio Connections in Verona NJ). Seems to me there is value in working through the right channels to purchase what you are looking for instead of going around established importers/very experienced dealers.