Recommendations for Amp/speaker combo for $10,000

Looking for advice on an amp, pre amp, speaker combination for $10,000. Would like to try tube amps. Music only system. Listen to classical (symphonic, chamber), opera and jazz. Room size is 16' x 18'. Will use various digital and analogue sources.
You would do us (and yourself) a huge favor if you indicated what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you along with what specifically you are looking to improve upon. It would also help to know what equipment you're currently using so we know what your sonic benchmark is. Without this information we are all just shooting in the dark.
Are you considering anything specific yet? In amps, pre amps, or speakers? Your question is so vague (altho it's good that you listed your Room size & music preference), you could get dozens of answers, many of which could be good.

I'd focus on speakers first probably--unless you're totally decided on a tube amp--then you could pick the amp & get tube friendly speakers.....
Not knowing much about your room or tastes, if I were about to spend 10k it would be something like,

Ayre integrated with aerial 7t's
Or, Ayre separates with Nola contenders, vandy's, possibly aerial 7b (I love mine but given how long they've been around you may not be comfortable with the likely age of the speakers you'd be buying).

If I could stretch a bit I'd do 7t or 9's with Ayre separates.
Try the Bob Carver Cherry 180 (200 watt) tube mono blocks with built in volume control and Magnaplanar 1.7 or Reference 3A MM DeCapo. Transparency, truth of timbre, incredible soundstage/imaging, dynamics, life-like sound. You won't get ultimate bass extension with these speakers though. You'll need subwoofer for that.
Tannoy DC10T floorstanding speakers with 300B SET amp, e.g., Wavelength Cardinal. Recommend you buy the speakers new or demo, and look for a used pair of Cardinal X2 monoblocks.