How many watts per channel are enough?

I am considering my first tube amp (Prima Luna Prologue 5 or Jolida 502 p). I lean toward the Prima Luna but it only has 34 watts per channel. Is that sufficient to drive my Jm Labs Daline 3.1 speakers (rated at 89db into 8 ohm)? My preamp is a Jolida 5 t. The room is 12 by 24 with high ceilings. I listen primarily to jazz and classical at low to moderate volume. Thank so much for any advice.
Agree w/Zd524...I had two 25W amps (one tube and one SS), and the tube amp hit a brick wall REAL quick, while the SS seemingly never got tired. It's more about impedance swings and phase angle, not sensitivity.
I have to agree with Zd542, the wattage ratings have not been very consistent in my experience. However, I think you should be ok unless you want to play really loud. Is there a way you could audition the amps before buying?
Based on your listening levels, that's plenty. Even in a relatively large room, such as yours, you'll be fine. Especially given the speakers relatively benign load on the amps.
There are a lot of nice used amps with more power for sale;I would look into buying a used more powerful amp.
If it does not work out then resell and not take a big hit in the wallet.
I also agree with Zd542. Watt ratings of amplifiers is like horsepower ratings of cars. It is tricky.