Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Stereophile Magazine 2014 Recommended Components Fall Edition

"TARA Labs Zero Evolution: $18,000/1m
The Zero Evolution is an all-new, physically flexible, easier to manage air-dielectric interconnect than the original Zero with†non-insulated rectangular solid-core conductors. Because neither end of The Zero Evolution's shield is attached to ground, TARA employs the Floating Ground Station, a heavy, black box containing Ceralex, a combination of ceramic materials and metallic compounds that absorbs RFI and EMI. Switching from the original Zero to the new Evolution Zero, MF's system benefited yet further from an enormous addition of lushness, texture, and warmth, along with major extensions of air, detail, and transparency, But—"I've heard nothing like it," he declares, adding "a genuine breakthrough, though hideously expensive. The TARA Labs Evolution Zero had a fast, clean, open overall sound, with airy highs and tight bass. The Evolution upgrade adds the rich, textured midrange, while continuing to produce faster attacks, longer sustains, and deeper decays, said Michael Fremer ." (Vol.29 No.12, Zero;Vol.34 No.6 WWW, Zero Gold; Vol.36 No.11, Zero Evolution)".
Hi Audiocrack, Is the tripoint Emperor a new model that juct came out?, I am sorry, I just noticed your post from 2-7-15,what are you useing the Tara Lab's Zero Gold on?, This is my current Interconnect, mind me aking if you could list your system here, BTW, I believe would be impressive, Thankyou Audiocrack.

what is the

cryogenic treatment


I am not a metallurgist, I am an enthusiast having fun with cables. This is the best explanation that I've been told. In layman's terms it would be the opposite of heat treating. The process alters the molecular structure of the metals/wires/cables and allows the current/signal to flow more smoothly, evenly with less resistance. Resulting in some amazing changes in high end electronics.

What is the process?
The total process takes 72 hours, you have a 24 hour cooling down period dropping the temperature gradually until finally reaching -320 degrees. The temperature is held there for 24 hours, then starts the 24 hour period of bringing it back to room temperature. The 24 hour cooling/warming period is to reduce damage from expansion/contract.

What is the end result?
The most important factor or variable would be the quality of your piece of electronics, the higher the quality the greater the change. In audio you will first hear a noticeable difference in the bass, it will be lower and more pronounced. Then you will realize that your noticing things you hadn't heard before. The mids and highs are more vivid, you'll notice better clarity and imaging. The overall sound stage is larger, more defined with greater depth. In a video application the differences are more subtle. I'm finding that the purists notice the most difference. A 60Hz TV will show little to no difference. A 120Hz TV will show a difference but might not be noticed by the average enthusiast. But a 240Hz TV or high end projector will show a definite change. Sharper image, smoother motion, brighter colors, greater depth, and in a 3D application you become part of the movie. Again, the higher the quality, the greater the change.
Hi Gslone, I am sorry, I just seen your post,you asked about the Tara Lab's "The One" speaker cable's, first off, their is no such thing as ISM on board, "The One" speaker cable's, and their is no such thing as natual fiber core in these speaker cable's, So I will be of some help to you, and if you have question's, I will accomidate them as well, here is what the answer is to your 2-10-15 post- Pr. The One CX 8ft/2.4m

Extremely transparent, detailed, open and revealing; spacious soundstage with well defined and vivid images; fine resolution of detail and ambient information. The ISM The One™ has 8+ gauge conductor runs; SA-OF8N® copper; each channel comprised of 70 RSC® Gen 2 conductors in Aero-PE® dielectric; positive/negative run for each channel; positive/negative runs are 35 conductors each, helixed around Teflon® air-tubes™.
•BSM (with 1/4” Spades or Bananas)
•8+ gauge conductor runs.
•SA-OF8N® copper.
•Each channel comprised of 70 RSC® Gen 2 conductors in Aero-PE® dielectric.
•Positive/negative run for each channel
•Positive/negative runs are 35 conductors each helixed around Teflon air tubes
•Extremely transparent, detailed, open & revealing
•Spacious soundstage with well-defined and vivid images
•Fine resolution of detail & ambient images
•Extremely neutral & open