Looking for a very good integrated solid state amp

My system consists of:
Castle Stirling IIs,made by the original Castle firm in England, 91 db,
Rega Brio R integrated, Rega Dac, Musical Fidelity V Link 192, Atlas cable, Macbook Pro.
I love the Castles but I feel the amp should be of higher quality to get the fullest out of them.
My budget is $3,000 or so.
Anyone have any experience with:
Perreaux Audiant, Musical Fidelity M6I, Ayre AX7e, Linn Majk I, Sim Audio, etc.
Thank you very much---
I second Regismc's suggestion of the Yamaha. I just received mine new last Thursday so it's still burning in, but my what a great amp for the money. It resolves tone even better than my tube amp. When I read the reviews I thought it was all too good to be true, but it's not. If you buy from Crutchfield, they give you a full 60 days to try it out, and only $7 return shipping if you don't like it. Spinning Led Zep Physical Graffiti 200 gram Classic Records right now and it sounds great.
Melbguy. Have you heard the H300? I've heard the H200 and was truly impressed. I don't like the looks of it but I guess that doesn't matter and my wife is Scandinavian and can handle the looks. I'd be curious to find out if someone thinks the H300 is worth the extra $1100. I don't need the extra power but if its that much better then $1100 is not a big deal. There's two H200's for sale on Agon right now and both sellers are trading up to the H300. That's very telling.
Rogue has a new integrated amp callled "The Sphinx" It includes a MM phono stage which will accomodate high output MC's; headphone jack, balance control and.... 100RMS. All for $1295 retail.

One drawback is the remote control is extra $100 and only controls the volume. That to me sucks, and should be included in the price. I believe this amp is a hybrid. Check out their website.
Couple of good options: Moon is an excellent product, Ayre, one of the big Marantz integrated at your price point is a great amp, you may be able to purchase on of the new Luxman models on sale at your price, Musical Fidelity a great choice-have owned a few and always seem to be a top performer at their price,could also consider something from PrimaLuna if you want a taste of tubes. Arcam, NAD