What are the "new" brands in amps and pre-amps

everybody know's brands like: Krell, Pass Labs, Mark Levinson,Classe, Halcro etc. What are the new brands which also can give a very musical sound and a holographic 3d image?
I have Densen electronics...although not new, relatively unknown is the US.
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"What are the new brands which also can give a very musical sound and a holographic 3d image?"

I'm not so sure its a good idea to go about looking for equipment just by picking "new" companies. I think that there's something to be said for a company that is successful enough to become an old. also, old companies make new models.

I'll meet you half way. Based on the sonic qualities asked for in the above quote, I recommend a middle aged company. Ayre.
Wyred 4 Sound has some excellent amplifiers, integrateds and preamps at very reasonable prices. You should go to their website and have a look. I've been using their STI-500 integrated high-power amp for over 3 years now and I'm still impressed with the quality of its power and musical performance.
There are many that deserve an audition. In amps Nuforce, Channel islands, and Hegel. In preamps Audio Horizons and TRL Dude