Scansonic mb serie

Does anyone listen MB serie from Scansonic ?
What about the raidho DNA ?
Does thoses speakers sound like a real raidho ?
Good luck, Mekong56. I'd heard the Raidho D1s and the Scansonic hype (from folks I'm confident in) "got me". I'm now breaking in a pair of 2.5s. I also went through that "unexpected purchase" situation as well. :-)
I was looking for a low budget system for my 2nd home, I was thinking at KEF LS50 with some class D amp and then I heard the Scansonic MB 1 with Jeff Rowland pre & amp, top cables, a Request DAC & source ...

I was surprised but how good it is, for a mini -price (here in Europe 1400€ without stands) ... you get real high-end for the money. I made a test ripping my Cds in the system ... these MB 1 are doing a fantastic job, even on heavy stuff like Mahler 6th symphony (acousense recording) ... bass is amazing for a bookshelf, you can here the symphony with best clarity, zoom between the instrument, resolution is just fantastic ! (we could hear every change of electronic or cable), great spatialization, the speakers desapear easily, extremely nice high frequencies never sounding hard or harsh ...

as the Rowland was far beyond my budget we tried different integrated, finally I choose an 4 years old Bladelius MK III with DAC who is doing a beautiful job with these speakers

I spent a little bit more than 3000 € (I use my old XLO Pro 650 speakers cables and a Mac Book Pro as source) and have now a very nice system
Being an ex Raidho c3 owner I purchased the mb 2.5s...After the initial break in they sound amazing especially considering they were 40 grand less than what I had.IMO you should definitely take a long listen before buying anything.
I never had a chance to listen to the Scansonic speakers because there's no dealer nearby (DFW TX). I am very interested in the MB-2.5 but wonder how it sounds. I recently auditioned Wilson Sophia III, Magico S1 and S3 and those are very good sounding speakers. How would you compare MB-2.5 with those speakers?
You cant make that comparison...all those speakers are 1000s more $$$...the s1 is like 13K...the 2.5s are 3500.00...lets get real here my fiend