Musical Fidelity?

I have been searching for an integrated amp to connect to my Marantz sr 5005 and have seen Musical Fidelity components for sell that are with in the my price rage. I know nothing about this company so I was wondering if I could get some real world opinions. The research I have done so far seems positive. All opinions welcome.
As other have stated already MF makes quite good amplifiers. I have own an A5 combo (CD player and integrated) for around 3 years and the amp was certainly a good amp. I would certainly recommend it. The nu-vista m3 integrated is much better than the A5 one. However, it is a much older model (m3 models are probably at least 10 old) so it may require service in the near future.

While I do not know how the situation is now, Antony Michaelson use to release new products (while discontinuing whole series) every other year, sometimes (much) sooner. Consequently, I would not advise anybody to pay full retail prices for MF products. Chances are that in 6-12 months the dealer will drop the price by 40% or so trying to get rig of the old model. Because of this the quality/price ration of MF 2nd hand products is very very hard to beat. For those 2nd hand prices, their name, i.e. MF, is their only weakness. IMO of course.
I bought the A-100 2nd hand from a dealer in London.
Since then I married & moved to Montana USA (Lots of dental floss bushes but) NO Mu-Fi dealers or hi-fi dealers of any kind in hundreds of miles.Hence I have never broken the 2nd hand Mu-Fi habit & rely on A-gon & E-bay users to break the stuff in for me!
I don't really approve of the constant model year changes, but fully realize that I have benefited from those of you who just have to own the latest and best!
For me though, the result is musical satisfaction.How do you upgrade that?
The sound is just right, fluid, muscular,totally unfatiguing....sigh.
So , anyone out there dissatisfied with their M1 Clic? Don't worry, I can wait it out in musical bliss.....
Hey clemis, if I ever see my v-dacii again, I'll make you a good deal on it and the Pangea p-100.
Well, it finally happened last January....l bought a NEW Mu-Fi product!
As mvp said, sharp discounts by online dealers struck the M1 clic at just the right time for me to get one for 75% off( $499 !!).
How could I resist?
Very pleased with the streaming experience ( British radio in Montana no less!) Love being able to use my home network to play music.As for the preamp function...I am using it to drive a whole house FM transmitter.
I have sold it for over 6 years. I sold it a lot, people even called me Mister Musical Fidelity. I did MF presentations on audio shows for the distributer for 2 years.

In 1999 I bought the Nu-Vista 300 poweramp. This was at that moment state of the art in sound.

MF is exeptional good in imaging. The overall sound is very involving. The Always use better transformers than competitors. They have a very good drive, control and timing. The only things what is missing is depth. There is depth, but some other brands do this a lot better!